Animal waste incinerator IncinerPro i200

The IncinerPro i200 model is part of the incinerator range with the main fixed combustion chamber and is recommended for the incineration of small and medium volume waste (e.g. birds, pets, sheep, young pigs, small quantities of wastes from slaughterhouse or meat processing plants activities etc.).



  • 2 combustion chambers (main and post-combustion), in order to be fully consistent with the requirements of EC Regulation 1069/2009 and EU 142/2011

  • 2 fully automated, independent burners, one for each incinerator combustion chamber

  • Control panel with touch-screen technology

  • Automated programming and control system for combustion parameters and cycles

  • Visual and audible alarm system

  • Refractory concrete resistant to high temperatures (1,500 ° C)

  • Termocuple pentru pastrarea temperaturilor la valorile stabilite
  • Double ventilated chimney

  • Winch waste loading door, with safety system against accidental closing


  • Separate door for removing ash during burning

IncinerPro i200
Loading method up
Primary chamber volume 0,55 m³
Load capacity up to 200 kg
Burn rate up to 50 kg/h
Gas retention time min. 2 sec. at min. 850 °C
Overall dimensions (L x l x h) 2,25 x 1,56 x 3,28
Weight 3,43 tones

For up-to-date technical details please request an Offer


Burning rate, load capacity, fuel and current consumption are parameters that depend on the waste (type, volume, species, waste’s age, humidity, density, how it was mixed), incinerator loading mode, technical state of the burners and incinerator, fuel quality.


It is very important to understand that the burning rate is heavily influenced by many parameters. Because there are no 2 identical waste batches, the operator(s) must try to load a mixture of different animal wastes for a better incineration process.  A correct mixture of waste will ensure better burning rate and lower fuel consumption.

Please read the instructions carefully and follow our technical advice as much as possible. Burning process in an animal waste incinerator is different from burning process in a boiler (where only fuel is burned).

Animal waste incinerator IncinerPro i200